Communication Platform Promise

Communication Platform Promise

While neighborhood preservation is still our number one concern, communication with the residents is paramount to government transparency.  It is important for the residents to know what their government is doing for them and to have the ability to have a meaningful say in its actions.  Only through meaningful communication can the residents share ideas, build bridges and come together as one.

Good government should always be looking for more efficient ways to disseminate information.  Snail mail used to be the best method to get information to the residents but now we have more efficient tools with the advent of email blasts and social media.  When Philip Gigante was elected as Airmont Trustee, he immediately started a social media page to embrace the thoughts and concerns of the Airmont residents.  With his posts every other week about what went on at the meetings, peppered with important notifications happening in Airmont, this exercise has proven to be extremely useful in connecting with all residents.

Another way for the residents to get involved is by joining one of the many committees created by the Airmont Village Board upon Trustee Gigante’s election.  By joining these committees, residents can meet and exchange ideas about the needs of their community and present them to the Board for discussion.  Trustee Gigante created social media groups for each of these committees so the residents could meet in light of their regular daily obligations.  In January of 2014, the Airmont Technical committee made a presentation at the Airmont Gardens about creating and managing email.  Once elected, we will continue to appoint capable leaders to Airmont committees so the community can continue to have a voice.

On March 18th, vote for Preserve Airmont, Row B, for efficient government transparency and to continue to keep the community active and informed.

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