Statement by Candidates Blunnie and Warbrick

Statement by Candidates Blunnie and Warbrick

In response to an email you may have received recently from the Airmont Future party, the Preserve Airmont party would like to make you aware of the truth and give you sensible reason to choose Preserve Airmont on Tuesday March 21st 2017.

Bracco and Cohen have been in Airmont politics for over 25 years each. Enough is enough. They have misguided Airmont since 1991. They have overstayed their uselessness.

Village meeting attendance and limited village interest are two separate issues. Meeting minutes are available to the public and are read by every one of us. If sitting in a chair at a meeting while being ineffective at a position one has held for 25 years meets an attendance requirement then Bracco and Cohen have met that standard. We believe and stand behind the fact that Kevin Warbrick has spent the last 33 years of his life serving our country in the US Air Force as good enough reason to miss a village meeting along with his family’s birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions

Preserve Airmont passed the Building Moratorium Resolution and the Overnight Parking Resolution and we support them as well. We support the Building Moratorium because our Planning and Zoning Boards are not armed with codes that are strong enough or clear enough to make a decision that is fair and safe for the applicant or the other village residents that will be affected by the decision. New York State law requires a municipality to review their codes every 6-10 years so you may ask yourself why did Bracco and Cohen vote against it when the last time it was done was 2006?

We agree that a Board of Trustees should have differing opinions. However, to constantly disagree with the rest of the board and never be able to comprise is a problem and that is how Bracco and Cohen have spent their time on every Airmont board they have sat on. Their email stated they recently were able to accomplish amending Airmont’s Parade Law. Parade law??? Over 25 years in office and they are asking you re-elect them because of a Parade Law amendment? How about for protecting the safety our residents with the Overnight Parking law that was passed by Preserve Airmont? No, Bracco and Cohen voted against that too.

Bracco and Cohen asked Anthony Benedict, our Justice nominee, to run on their ticket. He refused them because Anthony has witnessed Bracco’s and Cohen’s incompetence for decades. Bracco and Cohen’s second choice for Justice was Robert Reda, who currently has a pending lawsuit against the Village of Airmont. Experience and integrity should rule the bench not self-interest or special interest.

On Tuesday March 21st 2017, please make an informed decision based upon Accountability, Clarity and Responsibility. Choose your future, not the future of those who have created the past. Vote Row A for Blunnie, Warbrick and Benedict.

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